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Publication Services

Publication services include an addition to BSP Author's Forum Page, BSP web book hosting (Word or PDF format), BSP direct-to-buyer book sale, Amazon publication, traditional publication options, and BSP marketing.  

Contact BSP and/or Alan Lechusza for a quote,

Please include in the Subject Line, "BSP Publication Question."  Your message will be addressed as soon as possible.  

Publication Services

Hosting Only

Host ONLY on Blood, Sweat, Pray website (add to “BSP Partner Forum Page”) – paid hosting/month ($100, cancel at any time).  Provides a link to BSP website for clients to share with others.  Includes all social media posts affiliated with BSP. TOTAL CHARGE: $100

Hosting and eBook Transfer

Host AND PDF eBook Transfer on Blood, Sweat, Pray website (add to “BSP Partner Forum Page”) – paid hosting/month, $100 (cancel at any time).  Provides a link to BSP Partner Forum.  Includes all social media marketing affiliated with BSP.


Provide a single – 1 - download of WORD/PDF doc book as an emailed file to the buyer. $5/book email transfer.  All other costs go to the Partnering Author (client).  MINIMUM TOTAL CHARGE: $100+$5 TRANSFER FEE (amount based on transfer of books for Affiliated Author).  Author sets their own price for book!  All Rights to the Partnering Author (i.e., Copyright).

Amazon Publication

Amazon Publishing ONLY.  Create initial publishing of book (eBook and paperback) on Amazon.  Once set-up, the author has all access to their Amazon page.  Amazon marketing, content, and sales are NOT INCLUDED.    TOTAL CHARGE: $200 


Amazon Publishing AND Amazon Author's Page ONLY.  Create Amazon Author’s page to sell book on Amazon. Once set-up, the author has all access to their Amazon Author's page. Amazon marketing, content, and sales are NOT INCLUDED.  TOTAL CHARGE: $250


Amazon Publishing, Author's Page, AND Amazon Marketing ONLY.  Create Amazon Author's page to sell book on Amazon.  Once set-up, the author has all access to their Amazon Author's page.  Specific Amazon marketing campaigns available to promote book on Amazon.  Prices and packages vary.  Contact for information and quote.


Amazon Book Review ONLY.  Create and post ONE (1) book review on Amazon.  TOTAL CHARGE: $25

Publication and Hosting Options

  1. Host on BSP, $100

  2. Host on BSP, $100 (minimum) + eBook Transfer, $5/transfer

  3. Amazon Publishing, $200

  4. Amazon Publishing + Amazon Author’s Page, $250

  5. Amazon Publication + Amazon Author’s Page + Amazon Marketing, Contact for quote

  6. Add 1 Amazon Book Review, $25


Mixed Publishing Options (examples):

1. Host on BSP, $100 and Amazon Publishing, $200 (TOTAL = $300)

2. Host on BSP, $100 and Amazon Publishing + Initial Marketing, $250 (TOTAL = $350)

3. Host on BSP, $100 and Amazon Publication + Initial Marketing, $250, with 1 Amazon Book Review, $25 (TOTAL = $375)

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