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Day 2. The fallout is not out.

It’s been over 24 hours since the attempted assassination of Donald J. Trump. The RNC — Republican National Convention — is set to take place. Before Saturday, July 13, the most anticipated event was to be the Vice President pick by the rubber-stamped Party nominee turn candidate. Now, the Republican Party is more unified than previously. The frivolous antics in the party previously are destined to be set aside. It is all but certain that Trump’s poll ratings and campaign finances will increase. The tarred image of Trump the criminal will fade, in time, with this event, as horrific as it is, will change these outcomes. 

The Democratic Party responded to this event with a subtext of beating concern. Making the news rounds on Sunday, Democrats provide lame non-sequitur phrases set to satisfy the air time with no substance or meaning. It should be no surprise to any Democrat, at this point, that Trump will see an obvious leap in the ratings. The movement for the Democrats from triage after a comical debate, to sparring with each other over removing Bide from office to this now unexpected occurrence. The Democratic party should, after this awful event, take inventory of how they provide talking points against their opposing party. 

This “dark day in American history,” will cast its shadow for potentially months. The Republican party would appreciate — a terrible reality to note — this new-found positive support to ride into the November elections. The Democrats would rather not talk about what the American populist machine is using to grease its wheels. The new modern moment in time can update its social media profile to state, “It’s complicated.”

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