Now, it all changes
The attempted assassination of Donald J. Trump. Now, it all changes. Here are a few news options to gather insight into this horrific moment in the current American political landscape.
The discourse going into the 2024 elections had already reached an early climactic point. Now, with such a shocking event, a new level of social amazement will dazzle and bewilder the minds of the American populists. The dividing lines between the two major political parties were of no mystery to anyone. Following today, it is more apparent that the silent imbalance of political opinions will no longer remain mute. America’s deaf political ears will, now, be cleaned for the optimistic intent of being opened. Do we dare hold our breath? You decide.
The dull, boring, and to the point, CNN.
The more emotional MSNBC — trying to appear fair and balanced.
An attempt at appearing newsworthy NBC — it’s all about the image and directed phrasing.
The ever-so-sleepy BBC — only the accent keeps the attention.
The direct, to-the-point DW News — no censorship here.
The Biden reaction and news brief — are any of us surprised?
Alan Lechusza
Blood, Sweat, Pray Store